12th World Forum / Membership How We Successfully Rolled Back Reduced Senior Dues Richard Chapman , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron September 28, 2019
8th Annual World Forum / Community / Environment / Governance / Operations Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron: Community and Government Case Study ICOYC , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron November 17, 2013
6th Annual World Forum / Membership / Planning / Youth Building a Targeted Membership Through Programs: Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron Bill Wood , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron August 30, 2011
5th Annual World Forum / Finance / Operations Behind the Financial and Endowment Strategies of RSYS Bill Wood , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron September 5, 2010
4th Annual World Forum / Governance How to Trim Club Costs Wisely Rex Harrison , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
4th Annual World Forum / Operations How RSYS Framed Strategic Planning Rex Harrison , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
4th Annual World Forum / Finance Variable Infrastructures for Raising Funds ICOYC , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
2nd Annual World Forum / Governance In Sydney, Yacht Clubs Carve Out Role as Advocates Rex Harrison , Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron